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What is the best title for this news story? ;Ne'YaShvR_~/fX N㉰eSOb]v͑p Ǐf[u];`~b]YUOR+R[~b;Ne'YaT~Oo` f[u;`~ehvyrpI{ ;`KNǏX;mRv|_T g['`v~ MRKmv8.43%,{1 T29.52%,{16 gNޘÍ_vۏek0 ُ$N[svcknxsؚ75% f>fؚNc6Rs0 vQ!k TKm-Nct$Revcknxs_NMRKmؚ TKm:N47.03% MRKmN:N36.43%0vQ-NTKmvct$Re-N g2cknxs0R60%N N cknxsgNOv:N,{49.23% S:N 4. We can infer from the last sentence that scientists________. A. have changed the landing points many times B. hope to land the robots on the surface of water C. are still working on the plan D. know where they can find water vQ[vv^ N :Ndk{_N~bNQ*Nf[uN`Q [~bSV Ss_Y Tf[T{/fV:Nlf[Ǐ determine ُ*N͋ q_TN[SSvt0SYNRf[u/fV:N Nt@bN(WSe-N~b0R where they hope to find water 1\vv0W bND0\~bXT~NdkT{[f[uvNpe ;`qQ57NT{[ vQ-Nc6Rsf[u`S0R17N f0 gT MRTKm-N~t㉘vcknxsR+R:N40.88%T45.78% vQ-NqQ4_Rs(W50%N N01udkS[~b~Oo`N/ff[uvN*Nx =\{(WReadingOxvzvX N_Nl͑f[u[~Oo`vg~b NTKm-NSN wQS_NNNbHe FO/fۏek N'Y kz1uNS0RQ[ ͋GlϑI{vq_T f[u[~b~Oo`vR_NS0RNN[vq_T0N,{6:NO 6. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? A. 70% of the cars can be rented out on holiday. B. 70% of the customers are white-collar employees. C. More firms are open for service during holiday seasons. D. Some firms rent out all their cars during holiday seasons. ~bQcknxvHُ/fgxQW0_N/fg8^v~t㉘ ُf[uN~8hgA0B0C0DV*N yvOo` ~bQ N*N y-NNSeQ[ N&{vOo`ۏLcd g~_Qcknx b0dk54.82%vf[u C vzvQSV؏/f[SP[tRgRv:ON SS This figure shoots up during holiday seasons like National Day, Labor Day and New Year s Day, with some recording 100 percent rental. f[uS/fsQlSe-N gl gN yvfX:_ Ye^vNR4ls^_0Rf>fcGS f[uvf[`Nyg'`f>fcؚ f[`NHes_NcؚN0FO/f xvz\~bXT_NN􁤋:Nf[uRvW{QTcؚ N/fNgNY1\[sv (Ws^evX0~-NYsQl0Y~`N0YnelI{vc[ ُ7h Mbwckcؚf[uvb] cؚvQv~TЏ(uR g~[sXv gHeYef[0 N0MRTKm~gRg eMRTKmv~g>f:y[svGWRf>fؚNc6Rs0=\{[s5sTc6Rs6sGWRcя FO/fNMRTKmvۏek z^eg w >f6q[svMRTۏekc6Rs'Y0 h1vpenchff[u(WeSOvtR NnfM_] gؚs^GWRS g14.62 ُS_6qNR_N/f1uNSؚ^NSؚNf[uf[`N z^vq_T FO/fEQRSOsevWY;Ne'Ya,{1 ThR_~,{16 f[unfM_RNO R+R:N8.43%T29.52%0Vdk ُ$NyWvb]Tel1\bNX͑pQv0ddkKNY ~t㉌Tct$Re NN/feSOvb_N/f@b gt_{wQYvR NMRKm~geg w f[u[N㉳Qُ$NyWvR_N_ k: s^GW_RsR+R:N40.88%T36.43% vQ-N_Rsgؚv:N82.53%,{5 T60.24%,{7 0X(W N_NQ0R_[f[uYUOg~b~Oo` v^[Oo`ZPQTtce [dkNX;mRT~`N0ǏXYef[ gvv0 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To help students to develop after-school activities and form a school club. To help students to design a poster advertising a new school club. To teach students how to cooperate and how to complete each part of the task. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in 1 Enjoy some pictures. 2 Fill in the blanks with the help of the new words on the screen Introduction to the psychological club in our school There are quite a lot of clubs in our school, such as the L_____ Club, Sports Club, the Environmental Club and so on. The psychological(_tf[v) teacher, Miss Li suggested starting a psychological club in our school, for many teenagers in this g________ have psychological problems. The headmaster a_______ the idea. So the Dandelion Psychological Club ( lQ_t>yV) was set up and it was r_______ by our school at first and the psychological teacher, Miss Li is in c______ of it. The s_______ with psychological problems or some students who are interested in psychology can join the club. All members meet on the last Friday of every month to find solutions to their problems and make p________ for the topics they will discuss next time. Many members think highly of (ؚ^^lb) the club and miss the club even after their g_______. Step 2 Reading I Read the first passage and find out as much information as you can about the radio club. 1 Who started the radio club? 2 When did the radio club start? 3 Why was the radio club started? 4 What does the radio club do? Every morning: During exam time: At the end of the school year: When parents come: a!Read the second passage and find out as much information as you can about the literary club. 1 What s the name of the school club? 2 Who started the school club? 3 When do the members of the school club meet? 4 What do the members of the school club do? Step 3 Introducing the Project Which of the two clubs would you like to join? Give your reasons. Step 4 How to set up a school club. Planning: Introduce your club to your schoolmates. Discuss and complete the following table. Start your own school club The name of the clubThe goal of the club Activities Time PlaceWhat to do Introduce your school club to the whole class first and maybe you can broadcast your club to the whole schoolmates to make more students know your club. Producing: Make a poster for your club. 1 What information does your poster provide? 2 How does it attract new members? Presenting Present the poster. Put up your poster on the wall of your classroom. Have as many students sign up ( ~{ T) as possible. The group which gets the most new members wins the competition. Step 5 Homework 1 Underline the important phrases and sentences in the text. 2 Finish your posters. 2.2‰idċ0ƖSOb_bYeHh2 YeHh[ NegNT ُ1uhg^ՋYe06qTvQN^ۏL‰0ċ;mR Y~^ygSN TN]v,Ta`0 Nf[u:N-N_Yef[ NTf[!hOPN gsQvVGrT,g!hvlQ_t>yV[eQe 4яf[uu;m oSf[uf[`NtQ0 NV:N/fؚNf[u .^RNNN㉰ef[!hv`Q _NǏ{.^Rf[u Y`NMRbf[ǏvUS͋0 ,gyr_f>f zQ[Projectvc[0{USYtProjectve vn'}'}V~;N :NProjectv6R\O gR ZP}YEQRQYTW0e/f1u$N{wegb /fǏegt b__USN e_NY0 X[ϑ'Y Ye^`npf ͑pc[f[u[bProject.vQ*Nek Nplanning0Rpreparing0Rproducing0RgTpresenting ~~f[u0T\Ocvz YUO:NN*Nf[!hOPN6R\Owmb01uNHTswmbُN*NNR(WN N[b Ee,gYe^bProjectRbN$N*Ne ُ\O:N,{Ne FOYe^^fnx,{Ne0R^[bNHNNR /fRek[bwmb ؏/fS/f[bwmbvMRg]\O k*N\~NHNN`R^vOPN0 Ye^Ye`6qNR XcN(u틀{f|b v^~TO(uYZSOT[f[US EQRS%cYZSOvOR _N(u[f[USR:_MRv`NT Nv;mR S/f(WYZSON-N؏laNNĉ Ỳof0W[SO0rI{0 Te(WǏ z-N _Ng}Y~Nf[uEQRve`0 Ǐ‰0ċ0ƖSO [YeHh1Yef[sۏLRO9e 1 (W(u,g!h gsQlQ_t>yV[eQT O(ubrainstormingf[uatQvf[!hOPN0ُ7h :NProjectNR-N [k~`^zvOPNcOOo`PY ONf[ufnxeT0 2 fnx,gvYef[vh:Nk~f[u{USHTsNNvvwmbϖb_ v^HNNOPN萄v`Q 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The name of the clubWho started it When the members meetWhy was it startedWhat the members doStep 3 Introducing the Project Which of the two clubs would you like to join? Give your reasons. Step 4 Starting students own clubs (Group work) 1 What kind of club do you want to start? (Before making a decision, please think about the present situation and students needs.) 2 What s the name for your own club: (Trying to make it clear and attractive) 3 What are the goals of starting the club? 4 What activities will you organize? (Including time and place to meet) (Please keep the following question in mind: How do these activities help members achieve their goals?) Are there any rules for your club?  (Give the students an example to follow.) Then get the students to make preparations for the introduction. If possible, draw a draft of the poster. Think about: 1) What information does your poster provide? 2) How does it attract new members? (Show Ss some model posters) The name of the clubThe goal of the club TimePlaceActivitiesRulesStep 5 Presenting (Competition) 1 Each group chooses one representative to present the introduction to the school club to the whole class. 2 All the students and teachers choose two clubs that attract them most. Let s see which club can get the most members. Step 6 Assignments 1 Underline the important phrases and sentences in the text. 2 Perfect the poster after class in groups. 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The control center, which is located in Beijing's suburban Changping district, is heavily guarded. When I arrived, my car was stopped in front of the center's gate by a People's Liberation Army (PLA) guard and I was asked to present my permission for admittance. PLA soldiers are deployed along the roads to the command building. & Instructions from the loudspeakers become more frequent on Thursday morning just after 1 am, when the Shenzhou VIII deploys its docking device. The operators in the command hall become more concentrated as the countdown draws near, and their voices become more exited as the Shenzhou VIII and Tiangong-1 close to less than 30 meters. Everyone else has their eyes glued to the screen and is holding their breath. Then everyone starts applauding when the Shenzhou VIII and Tiangong-1 have "physical contact" at about 1.28 am. At 1:43 am, Chang Wanquan, chief commander of China's manned space program, announces the country's first space dock between the Shenzhou VIII spacecraft and Tiangong-1 space lab module was successful. ( ) What would be the best title for the news article? A. A successful physical contact B. Breathtaking 'kiss' in space C. Shenzhou VIII spacecraft and Tiangong-1 space lab module coming together D. Excitement and tension in Aerospace Control Center Step 7 Oral practice Suppose you are Bill Smith, a newspaper reporter from BBC, you are interviewing some people to know more about the disappearance of Justin. Step 8 Discussion 1 Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not? 2 Imagine you meet with an alien or aliens one day, what will happen? Make up a play and try to act it out. Step 9 Homework 1 Read the text to make sure you know the way of reading a news article. 2 Underline the useful phrases and sentences in the text. 3 Finish reading comprehension in Test (2). Teaching plan M1 U1 Project Teaching aims: 1. The students are supposed to use English to complete a certain kind of project. Read the two articles to get an idea of what school clubs are like. Discuss the school clubs you want to start. Make a poster to advertise your clubs and attract more members. 2. The students are supposed to learn how to cooperate and complete each part of the Project. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in 1 How do you find your school life? 2 If you are interested in a club, what club will you join?  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT  Step 2 Understanding the two articles 1 Read the first passage and find out the information about the club. The name of the clubWho started it When was it startedWhy was it started Activities they doDuring break time:Every morning:During exam time:At the en d of the school year:When parents come:2 Read the second passage and find out the information about the club. The name of the clubWho started it When the members meetWhy was it startedWhat the members doStep 3 Introducing the Project Which of the two clubs would you like to join? Give your reasons. Step 4 Starting students own clubs (Group work) 1 What kind of club do you want to start? (Before making a decision, please think about the present situation and students needs.) 2 What s the name for your own club: (Trying to make it clear and attractive) 3 What are the goals of starting the club? 4 What activities will you organize? (Including time and place to meet) (Please keep the following question in mind: How do these activities help members achieve their goals?) 5 Are there any rules for your club? (Give the students an example to follow.) Then get the students to make preparations for the introduction. If possible, draw a draft of the poster. Think about: 1) What information does your poster provide? 2) How does it attract new members? (Show Ss some model posters) The name of the clubThe goal of the club TimePlaceActivitiesRulesStep 5 Presenting (Competition) 1 Each group chooses one representative to present the introduction to the school club to the whole class. 2 All the students and teachers choose two clubs that attract them most. Let s see which club can get the most members. Step 6 Assignments 1 Underline the important phrases and sentences in the text. 2 Perfect the poster after class in groups. ReadingWvOxvzMRKm Test (1) A NEWS BRIEF %Prime Minister Tony Blair new allegations(cc) on Thursday that he misled Parliament and the public in making the case for the war in Iraq after he disclosed his chief legal adviser s written opinion raising questions about the legality(Tl) of the war. %U.S. Forest Service officials are reminding people to stay off Forest Service roads that are closed. The fine for disobeying the rule of road closures is a maximum of 5,000 fine and/ or six months in prison. Those who enter the area and cause road damage may also be required to pay for repairs. %In a second study presented at the meeting, scientists from the UK and Denmark showed that even a few days of high temperatures can severely reduce production of crops such as wheat, soybeans, rice and groundnuts, if it occurs when the plants are flowering. %A bomb exploded in Thailand s mainly Muslin south on Sunday, killing two policemen and wounding three others, a day after Thailand s queen condemned those behind a 15-month wave of violence(fR). %Mechanicsburg 3, West York 1: Ken Stamper and Rusty Bowman had seven kills each, and Ryan Warfield had six to lead the Wildcats past the Bulldogs, 25-11, 25-15, 15-25, 25-23, in a non-league match. 1. The news brief covers _____________. Awar, law, violence, culture and agriculture Bsports, war, violence, politics and climate Cpolitics, culture, violence, climate and sports Dviolence, sports, politics, law and agriculture 2. From the news brief, we can learn that ____________. Athe Bulldogs defeated the Wildcats by 3-1 in a non-league match BForest Service roads are closed for repairs before they are opened again Cquite a few violent accidents happened in Tailand before the latest one Dthe British people think the decision made by Blair about the war is of legaliry 3. According to the U.S. Forest Service officials, those who enter the area and damage the closed roads __________. Ashall have to pay a $ 5,000 fine for the repairs to them Bshall be fined or put in prison, and may pay for the repairs Cshall be fined $ 5,000 and kept in prison for six months Dshall pay a fine and repair the roads as a punishment 4. The study of the scientists from the UK and Denmark is about ____________. Athe importance of climate and the growth of crops Bthe damage caused by high temperatures to some crops Cthe relationship between crops flowering and high temperatures Dthe effect of high temperatures on the production of some crops B A new plan for getting children to and from school is being started by a local government in Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fearful for their children s safety on the roads. Until now the local government have only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, as long as the arrangement will not lose money and children taking part will be attending their nearest school. The new plan is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington School. The children live just within the three-mile limit and the local government have said in the past that they will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to offer a sum of money for a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school s headmaster. Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a government official has said the cost to parents should be less than 20 a term. They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make one more journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new plan. 5. What is the aim of the plan? A. To prevent the students road accidents. B. To relieve the traffic pressure. C. To save time for the parents and students. D. To help the parents save money. 6. How can the local government arrange the new bus service at a low cost? A. By letting the bus run in the morning only. B. By limiting the number of the students. C. By obtaining the support from the headmaster. D. By linking the new bus service with the existing one. 7. The new bus service will be paid for by______. A. the parents B. the local government C. the bus company D. the local government and the parents 8. This passage is most probably______. A. a personal letter B. an advertisement C. a headmaster s report D. a newspaper article C Tragedy at the Circus In yesterday s circuslbV show, a tiger suddenly attacked its trainer and had to be shot dead. As the circus packed up and left, circus officials said the show would go on, even without tigers. However, the officials can t simply turn a blind eye to the ethical problems left behind. Even before this tragedy(`gR), animal rights activists protested against keeping wild animals in unnatural conditions and forcing them to suffer for the profit()Rm) of circus organizers. It is now time for us to take effective steps to make sure that circus animals are treated properly. ******************************* Circus Safe for Animals Our circus recently suffered a most tragic event in its history. While we are thankful for the pity from the public, we are also astonished by the opinion expressed in  Tragedy at the Circus. First, our performing animals are not taken from the wild. As to the ethical problems. we always believe humans and animals can and should live together nicely. To us, the performing animals are representatives of their species(iry), and our circus is one of the only places left willing to support this special role of performing animals in the existence of the species. Those who argue that circus life is harmful to animals show little knowledge of these facts. Life in the  wild is unsafe, but a continuous struggle for existence. To overlook these realities is the greatest fault against the animal kingdom. This circus has proven that animals are stronger and smarter than we could imagine. Within the circus is a joyful atmosphere for both animals and humans: people are educated, and species saved. 9. What is the main purpose of the first passage? A. To show pity for the performing animals. B. To express worries about animal trainers' safety. C. To deal with the difficult situations of the circus. D. To call for action to protect circus animals. 10. What will the circus most probably do? A.Take no notice of the tragedy. B. Continue its performances. C. Use fewer wild animals. D. Limit its profit. 11. What does the circus think of its performing animals? A. They are as clever as human beings. B. They struggle continuously with human beings for existence. C. They are helpful in saving their species. D. They have equally natural living conditions as wild animals. 12. What is the most probable relationship between the two passages? A. A public request and a newspaper report. B. A newspaper article and a reply to it. C. Two parts of a newspaper article. D. Two newspaper reports. D MONTREAL (Reuters)  Crossing the US-Canada borderLu to go to church on a Sunday cost a US citizen 10,000 for breaking Washington s strict new security[hQ rules. The expensive trip to church was a surprise for Richard Albert, who lives right on the Canadian border. Like the other half-dozen people of Township 15, crossing the border is a daily occurrence for Albert. The nearby Quebec village of St. Pamphile is where they shop, eat and go to church. There are many such situations in these areas along the largely unguarded 5,530-mile border between Canada and the US-which in some cases actually runs down the middle of streets or through buildings. As a result, Albert says he did not expect any problems three weeks ago when he returned home to the US after attending church in Canada, as usual. The US customswmsQ station in this area is closed on Sundays, so he just drove around the locked gate, as he had done every weekend since the gate appeared last May, following a tightening of border security. Two days later. Albert was told to go to the customs office, where an officer told him he had been caught on carnera crossing the border illegally^l . Ottawa has given out special passes to some 300 US citizens in that area so they can enter the country when Canadian customs stations are closed, but the US stopped a similar program last May. That forces the people to a 200-mile detour along hilly roads to get home through another border checkpoint. Albert has requested that the customs office change their decisions on the fine, but he has not attended a Sunday church since.  I feel like I m living in a prison, he said. 13. We learn from the text that Richard Albert is ____________. A. an American living in Township 15 B. a Canadian living in a Quebec village C. a Canadian working in a customs station D. an American working in a Canadian church 14. Albert was fined because he ____________. A. failed to obey traffic rules B. broke the American security rules C. worked in St. Pamphile without a pass D. damaged the gate of the customs office 15. The underlined word  detour in paragraph 5 means ____________. A. a drive through the town B. a race across the fields C. a roundabout way of travelling D. a journey in the mountain area 16. What would be the best title for the text? A. A Cross-country Trip B. A Special Border Pass C. An Unguarded Border D. An Expensive Church Visit ReadingWvOxvzTKm Test (2) A Houston, TexasJune 8, 2002 In 2004,the National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNASA will send two robots:ghVN to separate places of Mars to seek out past or present signs of water. It is an exciting idea to send two robots driving over very different places of Mars at the same time, to be able to see what is on the other side of the hill. Last month, NASA announced it was sending one robot to Mars, but after two weeks, itdecided there was enough money for two. The robots will be sent up within two weeks of each other in May and June of 2003 from Kennedy Space Center. If all goes well, the two spacecraft[[ޘ9 will touch down on Mars, after a seven-and-a-half-month space flight, on January 2 and 20,2004. The robots, each weighing 150 kilograms, can cover 100 meters per day. They are designed to be able to examine the mineral content of the soil, and their special camera will take pictures of the lands and hills. Although they will be under control from Earth, the robots are able to move more freely compared to those sent up before them. The actual landing points have not been determined yet, but the scientists say it will be in areas where they hope to find water. 1. According to the news report, scientists plan to send robots up to Mars to_______. A. find out whether there is water on Mars B. see if robots can find minerals there C. test how fast robots can drive there D. prove that robots can work on Mars 2. How long in between will the two robots be sent to Mars? A. 1 year. B. 7.5 months. C. 2 months. D. 2 weeks. 3. One of the important jobs for the robots on Mars is to________. A. study the soil B. walk everywhere C. test the new camera D. find a suitable landing point 4. We can infer from the last sentence that scientists________. A. have changed the landing points many times B. hope to land the robots on the surface of water C. are still working on the plan D. know where they can find water B Shanghai: Car rentals (Qy) are becoming more and more popular as an inexpensive way of taking to the roads. Business people, foreigners and families alike are making good use of the growing industry. The first car rental firm opened in Shanghai in 1992 and now 12 car rental players are in the game, with more than 11 500 cars in their books. The largest player Shanghai Bashi Tourism Car Rental Center offers a wide variety of choices deluxe sedans, minivans, station wagons, coaches. Santana sedans are the big favorite. Firms can attract enough customers for 70 percent of their cars every month. This figure shoots up during holiday seasons like National Day, Labor Day and New Year s Day, with some recording 100 percent rental. The major market force rests in the growing population of white-collar employees (}vǖXT), who can afford the new service, said Zhuang Yu, marketing manager of Shanghai Angel Car Rental Co. 5. The words  deluxe sedans,  minivans and  station wagons used in the text refer to __________ . A. cars in the making B. car rental firms C. cars for rent D. car makers 6. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? A. 70% of the cars can be rented out on holiday. B. 70% of the customers are white-collar employees. C. More firms are open for service during holiday seasons. D. Some firms rent out all their cars during holiday seasons. 7. Shanghai s car rental industry is growing so fast mainly due to _________. A. better cars supplied by producers B. fast service offered by car rental firms C. the increasing number of white-collar employees D. people s growing interest in traveling during holidays C SYDNEYAs they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999 Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and  anything else that came up. Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50-meter butterflyvl in the Australian championships at Homebush Bay. Gould, now a 47-year-old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competitionv~[N to swim the one event, having set a qualifyingTP$$Ifl0 <  t0644 la yt1 $Ifgd1 WDX`gdv_gdv_ & F ^`gd1 {{kdP$$Ifl0 <  t0644 la yt1 $Ifgd1{{ $Ifgd1{kdnQ$$Ifl0 <  t0644 la yt1{{ $Ifgd1{kdR$$Ifl0 <  t0644 la yt1}tt $Ifgd1kdR$$Ifl0 <  t0644 la p yt1:&}xiiZxxxxWD^`gdv_WD^`gdv_gdv_kdCS$$Ifl0 <  t0644 la p yt1  > J xgd/$a$gdv_gdv_ WD`gd R     < > J f j            x z |    <>@Bx̼󳦳ztz hv_CJ hv_CJo(hbhv_CJo(hbhv_0J"CJjShbhv_CJUjhbhv_CJUhbhv_CJhShv_5CJOJQJo(hh&=CJo(hzO>h&=5CJo(hh4h&=5CJo(hh&=CJhh&=CJo(h h&=CJo(h&=5CJo( h&=CJo(h&=h&=CJo(h&=5CJaJo(hh&=5CJaJo(h^R6V<"d$&vvdhUD,VD,]v^vgd&= dh`gd&= dh`gd&= dhWD`gd&= dhWD`gd&=$a$gd&=^`6V%%`)h)j))))) * *****0*8*V*\*l*n*********++"+$+v++++,,,R,|....󾵩h&= h&=o(h!h&=5o(hgh&=CJo(h!h&=5CJh!h&=5CJo(h&=5CJo(h&=CJOJQJ^JaJo( h&=CJ\jh&=CJUh&=CJ\o(hh&=5CJo( h&=CJo( h&=CJ0&N)X) ***$+&+(+*+,+.+0+2+4+6+8+:+<+>+@+B+D+F+H+J+L+gd/dhgd&= 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